About Us

About the Organization

Motherhen Development Foundation (MDF) is a Non-Governmental, Non- Political, Non- Religious Organization and cuts across ethnic groups in Nigeria. MDF is geared towards improving quality of life in communities and families especially Poor of the Poorest (POP).

MDF is  dedicated to the upliftment of women and young people, especially the underserved and the unsung women and youths in our rural communities by identifying the issues affecting public health, gaps in basic Education, environmental hazards, socio- economic, political,  leadership development, capacity building and specialized vocational education training, Rural development initiative (RDI) A regional recognition and wider sustenance empowerment of the ordinary woman and youth, doing extraordinary things to impact their community


Envision a stable, prosperous and vibrant communities characterized by confident women, girls and youths who are empowered to participate in and influence society.


Utilizing our potentials, building stronger communities and strengthening the knowledge base of women, girls and youths through increase in Education, Health/Environmental Awareness, Political Education, Advocacy and socio-Economic development and building the capacity of women girls and youths by providing platforms on making informed decisions about improving livelihood.

Aims & Objectives


To provide a responsive, supportive and innovative service

Deliver and expand a variety and range of trainings to meet identified needs for women, girls and youths.

To contribute towards the reduction of unemployment among women and youths, through the creation of employment opportunities in a number of areas, including agribusiness value chains and artisanal mining.

Increase opportunities and access for women, girls and youths in their personal development through the provision of support services strategic promotion, networking and collaboration and also Create an enabling environment for Gender equity

Provide a safe, secure fit for purpose learning/working environment resource center from which individual and organizations committed with similar goals can share space equipment facilities and information on women, girls and Youths issue or matters.


To be a platform for community development

Seek opportunities to maintain and develop intra and inter community interaction promote peaceful co-existence of all citizens regardless of religious affiliation and ethnic origin.

Engage with existing and develop strategic networks and opportunities for collaborative working

Engage in rural awareness and educational campaign, highlighting Human Rights, good governance, environmental, health and other issues of concern and importance to the community.

Promote and encourage community volunteers


To grow and sustain an effective organization

Build sustainable revenue through a variety of restricted and unrestricted income streams

Develop and implement monitoring and evaluation tools and systems for impact measurement

Ensure sound organizational governance through an appropriately skilled Board of Trustees and Directors

Recognize and value staff and volunteer expertise and provide opportunities for continued professional development

Maximize organizational effectiveness through actively seeking collaborative working opportunities 

Our Pillars


